Although technically September is still summertime, the autumnal fruits and vegetables are starting to yield. In season this month are delicious delights such as apples, sweet peppers and tomatoes and with Christmas cheeseboards just on the horizon, there’s no better time to make some chutneys!
Summer is the ripest time of year for many crops and the warm temperatures are known for inspiring the fast fruition of garden goodies. Staring into your patch and conjuring a plan for just how you’re going to eat all that cucumber before it’s past its best can be challenging! Just as plentiful fruit creates a hoard of sweet and delicious jam, a vast array of vegetables can be pickled to keep them in an edible state for longer and it couldn’t be easier!
With extended daylight hours and warming temperatures, summer provides the perfect backdrop for BBQs and garden parties. If you’re hosting you’ll most likely be out to impress with your spread and if you’re attending as a guest, bringing a contribution that will be appreciated is high on the agenda. That’s where we can help; our range of glass jars and bottles can be purposed into any impressive favour!
After a warm and sunny Spring, Summer is underway, bringing with it some fruitful pickings. June marks the season of soft fruits of all kinds. Sweet and subtle flavours like strawberry or apricot and tart but tantalising rhubarb and gooseberries are all ripe for the picking and perfect for preserving at their optimum sweetness. Our range of glass jam jars are on hand for those recipes coming into fruition this summer.
Now that autumn’s advancing, it means just one thing: those last fruits of the year are ready and ripe for the picking. With oodles of options for your preserving penchant, our diverse range of glass jam jars and bottles are helping you celebrate the season. Find out how we let your culinary creations can bear fruit, as it were.